Tag: malware

  • Remove .Radman File Virus (Ransomware Removal+ File Recovery)

    Remove .Radman File Virus (Ransomware Removal+ File Recovery)

    About .Radman .Radman File Virus is the latest variant of the infamous STOP ransomware, and virtually identical to previous versions like .Codnat and .Dotmap . Everybody knows that the web is a place where one can encounter all kinds of harmful virus programs. Inside the current article, we will put our emphasis on one especially…

  • Remove .Dotmap File Virus (Ransomware Removal + File Recovery)

    Remove .Dotmap File Virus (Ransomware Removal + File Recovery)

    This page aims to help you remove .Dotmap File Virus Ransomware for free. Our instructions also cover how any .Dotmap file can be recovered. .Dotmap File Virus in details In the event that your system appears to have been attacked by a virus named .Dotmap, you should be now going over all available information related…

  • Remove .Jack File Ransomware (+File Recovery)

    Remove .Jack File Ransomware (+File Recovery)

    About .Jack File Ransomware If you’ve had the misfortune of having your software documents sealed by a malware named .Jack, we advise you to examine the following page for it might provide you with some vital information and hints concerning this nasty piece of malware.   The fact that this malicious program falls under the…

  • Remove .Bufas File Virus (Ransomware Removal+File Recovery)

    Remove .Bufas File Virus (Ransomware Removal+File Recovery)

    This page aims to help you remove .Bufas Virus for free. Our instructions also cover how any .Bufas file can be recovered. About .Bufas File Virus Ransomware viruses are one of the most hazardous and dangerous types of malicious software in existence. As a matter of fact, you’re quite likely currently on this page because…

  • Virus and Malware Database

    Remove 1LfYcbCsssB2niF3VWRBTVZFExzsweyPGQ Email Bitcoin Virus

    About 1LfYcbCsssB2niF3VWRBTVZFExzsweyPGQ Bitcoin Email Some of our users reported a Bitcoin email scam that they have received, with the following message from the hacker: Your computer was infected with my malware, RAT (Remote Administration Tool), your browser wasn’t updated / patched, in such case it’s enough to just visit some website where my iframe is placed to get…

  • Remove 18BJwpv2RVfCZQP2D4WaduZwef7sXFwP4L Bitcoin Email Virus

    Remove 18BJwpv2RVfCZQP2D4WaduZwef7sXFwP4L Bitcoin Email Virus

    About 18BJwpv2RVfCZQP2D4WaduZwef7sXFwP4L Bitcoin Email Some of our users reported an email scam that they have received, with the following message: こんにちは! あなたは私を知らないかもしれませんし、なぜあなたはこの電子メールを受け取っているのだろうと思っていますか? この瞬間、私はあなたのアカウントをハッキングし、そこからメールを送りました。 私はあなたのデバイスに完全にアクセスできます! 今私はあなたのアカウントにアクセスできます! まあ、私は$990が私たちの小さな秘密の公正な価格だと信じています。 あなたはBitcoinによる支払いを行います(これはわからない場合は、Googleの「ビットコインの購入方法」を検索してください)。 私のBTC住所: 18BJwpv2RVfCZQP2D4WaduZwef7sXFwP4L (それはcAsEに敏感なので、コピーして貼り付けてください) 注意: お支払いを行うには2日以内です。 (この電子メールメッセージには特定のピクセルがあり、この瞬間にこの電子メールメッセージを読んだことがわかります)。 私がBitCoinを手に入れなければ、私は間違いなく、家族や同僚などあなたのすべての連絡先にビデオ録画を送ります。 しかし、私が支払いを受けると、すぐにビデオを破壊します。 これは非交渉可能なオファーですので、このメールメッセージに返信して私の個人的な時間を無駄にしないでください。 次回は注意してください!より良いウイルス対策ソフトウェアを使用してください! さようなら! A Trojan (or a Trojan Horse) is a very malicious computer program, created by cyber criminals, the purpose of…

  • Remove 13JwXoHHdtZpWxsyph5avNds19Ys1tG3TW Email Bitcoin Virus

    Remove 13JwXoHHdtZpWxsyph5avNds19Ys1tG3TW Email Bitcoin Virus

    13JwXoHHdtZpWxsyph5avNds19Ys1tG3TW – Details Some of our users reported a Bitcoin email scam that they have received, with the following message: Come avrai notato, ti ho inviato un’email dal tuo account. Ciò significa che ho pieno accesso al tuo account. Ti sto guardando da alcuni mesi. Ho fatto un video che mostra come ti accontenti nella metà sinistra…

  • Remove 15yF8WkUg8PRjJehYW4tGdqcyzc4z7dScM Bitcoin Email Virus

    Remove 15yF8WkUg8PRjJehYW4tGdqcyzc4z7dScM Bitcoin Email Virus

    15yF8WkUg8PRjJehYW4tGdqcyzc4z7dScM – Details Our users reported that they have received a scam email with 15yF8WkUg8PRjJehYW4tGdqcyzc4z7dScM Bitcoin Wallet with the following text: Hello! I have very bad news for you. Blah blah. I just hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it. When you went online, my trojan was installed on the OS of…

  • Remove 1EGgvLwVTQ3UGnjk4LzcPwyXaEk2Fioqd5 Bitcoin Email Virus

    Remove 1EGgvLwVTQ3UGnjk4LzcPwyXaEk2Fioqd5 Bitcoin Email Virus

    1EGgvLwVTQ3UGnjk4LzcPwyXaEk2Fioqd5 in depth One of the most malicious pieces of software that you could possibly get on your computer is called 1EGgvLwVTQ3UGnjk4LzcPwyXaEk2Fioqd5 Bitcoin Email. This malware belongs to the Trojan Horse family and won’t spare anything that’s in your system if it finds its way inside it. Unfortunately, there is currently no way of knowing…

  • Remove 1HB3KtKoguFuZ4BdmCv9Fc4tYTwDQgmqmW Bitcoin Email Virus

    Remove 1HB3KtKoguFuZ4BdmCv9Fc4tYTwDQgmqmW Bitcoin Email Virus

    1HB3KtKoguFuZ4BdmCv9Fc4tYTwDQgmqmW Bitcoin Email – Details 1HB3KtKoguFuZ4BdmCv9Fc4tYTwDQgmqmW Bitcoin email is a Trojan Horse infection which can harm your computer in multiple ways and also be used for other criminal activities. That’s why, if you suspect that your machine might have been secretly compromised by it, we suggest you do not leave this page until you learn…