The purpose of our website
Welcome to our website,! In here, our readers can find tons of useful information with regards to various malware-related problems. The topics of our articles vary from the most commonly encountered online threats such as Ransomware, Browser Hijackers and Trojans Horses to reviews of different software products and important news related to the online world. Our main goal when coming up with new content is to make it as comprehensible and as helpful as possible for our readers.
Technology nowadays is a fascinating and an incredibly beneficial element of our everyday lives but it is also a very vulnerable thing that oftentimes gets targeted by people who seek to gain profit through illegal activities. Handling this sort of virtual threats is not an easy task, especially for the regular user. That said, the matters are made even worse by the fact that the creators of a lot of online manuals and websites that provide guidance do not take into account that in many instances, the information that they provide is highly-sophisticated and often incomprehensible for most people. There’s oftentimes a base-level knowledge on computing that is set rather high making it difficult for a lot of users to successfully and effectively use the provided information. This is precisely what we are trying to overcome here. Our guides and articles are written in an easy-to-comprehend fashion while at the same time providing you with detailed information on both the most important characteristics of the specific issue as well as a potential way for you to handle it yourself.
In addition to our articles and the guidance that we provide within them, there is also a comment section down below each of our posts where you can ask us questions, make recommendations and give feedback or simply share your opinions on the given topic. We normally have a person of our crew who is responsible for the administration of the comments and who will answer any questions that you might have towards us. We highly value the communication with our visitors so do not hesitate to contact us should you feel the need or desire to.
The crew
We are a small group of young computer geeks, university colleagues and friends that share a common interest in helping other people overcome different software/technology-related issues to the best of our abilities. We know that technology can be confusing sometimes and we know first-hand the struggle of trying to overcome a certain problem with your PC, laptop or smartphone which is why we do our best to help others in need by sharing our knowledge and experience. We launched malwarecompltaitns back in 2016 and have ever since tried to keep updating and improving its contents so that it is as helpful and as optimized for our readers as it could be. This is also why we highly appreciate any constructive feedback that our readers can give us. That way, hopefully, what we do here, on will reach as many users as possible and help them with whatever software problem they might be dealing with.

Boris is a writer and an editor of the articles on Malware Complaints. His mission is to provide the readers of our website with essential information and details with regards to various malicious programs, software viruses, potentially unwanted applications and any other form of malware that you, the users, might encounter. In addition, he also posts news articles on various interesting and important topics related to the software world.

Daniel Sadakov has a degree in Information Technology and specializes in web and mobile cyber security. He harbors a strong detestation for anything and everything malicious and has committed his resources and time to battling all manners of web and mobile threats. He has founded, a website dedicated to covering the top tech stories and providing useful tips for the everyday user, in an effort to reach and help more people.