Tag: Browser
Remove Mediasource.online Virus (Chrome/FF/IE)
You’re most probably on this page due to a recent infection with a program called the Mediasource.online Virus on your computer. If this is so, the chances are that you might have already experienced the downpour of rage-inducing offers that this kind of unwanted software delivers and must be wondering how to deal with them.…
Remove Nonck Virus (Chrome/FF/IE)
Some advertisements professionals think that they are capable of making money by shoving adverts down people’s throats and they are responsible for the creation of software known as Browser hijackers. In many instances, these programs are sneaked inside the users’ systems together with some other applications, which are basically free and useful, although not always.…
Remove Site-great.xyz Virus (Chrome/FF/IE)
Site-great.xyz Virus in Details Regardless of Site-great.xyz not being an actual malware, this Browser hijacker may still be a portal for high-risk cyber-threats, for example, Trojan Horses or Ransomware if you keep it for long on your PC. This is because, this type of software is usually known for its aggressive online advertising behavior, which…
Remove MacKeeper Kromtech Virus Pop-up from Mac/Safari
The Kromtech MacKeeper relation. In case you’ve detected that you have got a Browser Hijacker called Kromtech set up on your computer, then you probably are looking for a way to have it removed. Fortunately, this entire post is dedicated to helping you deal with this program and safely uninstall it even if you are not…
Remove Ads by Wgx “Virus” (Chrome/FF/IE)
About Ads by Wgx If your personal computer is experiencing a shower of various pop-up windows, banners and aggressive pay-per-click advertisements it is likely due to the fact that you’ve got a Browser Hijackers like Ads by Wgx installed. Some online advertisements specialists think that they can generate income by forcing advertisements on the…
Remove Search Mine “Malware” (Mac Guide)
[add_top_banner_mac] What is Search Mine? Search Mine is am irritating search engine that can lead you to websites that are unsecured and could have Malware. Search Mine will intentionally change your default web search engine and will redirect you to it every time you use. Irritating ads invading your screen each time you open Chrome,…
Remove Saltjs.01bd.ru “Virus” (Chrome/FF/IE)
About Saltjs.01bd.ru The hijackers are annoying software pieces with the ability to silently install themselves in Safari, Chrome, Firefox and other browsers and to turn them into platforms for promoting different types of content. In most cases, the primary goal of the hijacker is to promote a certain page by making it the user’s…
Remove Pushsroutg.com “Virus” (Chrome/FF/IE)
Pushsroutg.com – Details Pushsroutg.com is an application that integrates with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer and supposedly improves the web browsing experience. However, it is reported that this app causes unwanted redirects. Pushsroutg.com “Virus” forces users to visit some sponsored web addresses and only then offers search results generated by Google. In addition…
Remove Robotcaptcha3.info “Virus” (Chrome/FF/IE)
Robotcaptcha3.info in Depth Internet is full of different ad-generating and page-redirecting applications which serve the online advertising industry by spamming us with different ads and pop-up banners. These applications oftentimes end up inside our computer without our direct approval. In this post, we will discuss one particular program of this type which is called…
Remove Robotcaptcha2.info “Virus” (Chrome/FF/IE)
About Robotcaptcha2.info The Robotcaptcha2.info “Virus” is a program that supposedly improves the web browsing experience with the best search results it generates. Judging only by its appearance, the program seems reliable and useful and resembles a regular browser add-on which can easily integrate with popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer. However, a…