HPDriverCore.framework will damage your computer





Hundreds of Mac users have recently reported that they have received a warning coming from a pop-up alert on their Mac with the following text: “HPDriverCore.framework” will damage your computer.

According to the available information, this warning message is connected to drivers for HP printer that MacOs has detected as malicious. It seems that the majority of users who have received the disturbing pop-up alert have recently updated to MacOS Catalina 10.15.7.

HPDriverCore.framework will damage your computer

This article describes several solutions that can help you bypass the disturbing alert, including steps suggested by Apple and HP. That’s why if you have recently been greeted by such a warning pop-up, stay with us till the end.

Check your HP Certificate

One of the reasons for the appearance of the warning message “HPDriverCore.framework” will damage your computer, as suggested in HP forums is that you have your driver’s license expired and this is what forces Mac to warn you that HPDriverCore.framework is harmful.

Solution 1 (From HP Forum)

One of the solutions of the issue that is suggested is to update your software and your drivers through HP Easy Start.

For that, first download HP Easy Start.

Next, follow the printer configuration directions. If your software needs an update, you will be alerted.

In case it needs an update, the Printer Essentials checkbox will be marked by default and all you have to do is to click the “Install” button.

However, if you want to be in full control and guarantee a clean install, then follow the steps below:

  1. Download HP Easy Start from here.
  2. Next, open HP Easy Start.
  3. In the macOS menu bar choose HP Easy Start Menu.
  4. Then, select Uninstall HP Software from this menu.
  5. Next, click “Continue” to begin Uninstalling.
  6. Upon completion of the uninstall process, choose Set Up New Device.
  7. Follow the guidelines for the configuration process of the new device.
  8. The installation of the software will start.
  9. To finish the operation, follow the remaining directions.

Solution from the Apple Forum

There are no detailed instructions on the reported issue by Apple, but some users have shared on Mac forums some fixes that have helped them resolve the HPDriverCore.framework alert. Here are the suggested steps:

  1. By using Finder, navigate to the “Library/LaunchAgents”.
  2. Find the newest and most questionable looking file and move it to the bin.
  3. Do the same in the following directory “Library/LaunchDemons”
  4. And the same in “~Library/LaunchAgents” directory as well.
  5. Go to “Applications”, sort the list by most recently added and check for anything suspicious that has been added lately. Remove that.
  6. Finally, restart your Mac and see if the problem is resolved.


Is it a good idea to bypass the warning message “HPDriverCore.framework will damage your computer”?

Apple has not formally confirmed that the “HPDriverCore.framework will damage your computer” message is a false positive. Therefore, we do not advise you to bypass the warning alert so easily. It might be possible that MacOS might have found something questionable or malicious, thus, any such alerts should be carefully addressed.

How to bypass the message on Mac anyway?

Right click on the app and press Open rather than double clicking on it.

You will get a warning “HPDriverCore.framework” will damage your computer, but you can still access the program and open it.

Other alternatives for bypassing the alert

  1. Open Finder and locate HPDriverCore.framework.
  2. Control-Click on the app.
  3. Select Open through the shortcut menu. The app will be whitelisted from then on and you can access it without getting the “macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware” message.
  4. Another option to whitelist the app is to go to “Security&Privacy” Preferences and select Open Anyway.

Note that this button will be available just an hour after you attempted to open a blocked application. To reach the Open Anyway button, navigate to:

Apple Menu>>> System Preferences>>>Security&Privacy>>>General.

Is you mac safe?

Quite possibly, this HP framework is secure and clear of malware. This may, however, lead to exploits which hackers use. For other files that could create issues in the future, we suggest scanning the machine with reliable anti-malware software which scans and eliminates hidden hazards such as ComboCleaner Anti-malware.

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