How To Get Rid of ChromeSearch.Today “Virus” (Chrome Today)




Can’t Remove ChromeSearch.Today “Virus”? This page includes detailed instructions to remove ChromeSearch.Today “Virus” at the bottom half of the article. (also known as Chrome Search Today) . Due to its potential to trigger unwanted online page redirects or change the user’s browser settings such as default frontpage or search engine, most users and researchers regard this piece of software as unwanted. ChromeSearch.Today “Virus” works for all browsers so it doesn’t matter if you are using Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge or some other browser. In the paragraphs down below, you will learn more about this Browser Hijacker so that you know how to successfully handle it (if it has already gotten on your machine) and also how to avoid getting it installed onto your PC in future. Make sure to carefully read everything that this article has to offer and then, if you do indeed have the unpleasant application on your PC, you might also want to follow the instructions provided inside our removal guide so as to get rid of the pesky program.

What is ChromeSearch.Today “Virus”

As we already stated in the introduction paragraph, the program that we will be talking in the next lines belongs to a software category called Browser Hijackers. Normally, those are programs are deemed undesirable for a number of reasons some of which we already mentioned above. A typical Browser Hijacker like ChromeSearch.Today could attempt to change the search engine of your browser or install some new toolbar to it. It could also try to redirect you to other pages or display intrusive banners and web offers. All of this is obviously done for the purposes of the online marketing. After all, this is what most Hijackers really are – software tools developed for web advertising. Their creators earn money via them using a variety of advertising methods.

However, as far as the user is concerned, a typical Hijacker rarely has anything useful and/or beneficial to offer. For the most part, a program the likes of ChromeSearch.Today would be nothing but an unpleasant burden to put up with that doesn’t offer anything useful to make its presence on the computer justified. Most Browser Hijackers simply exploit the PC’s resources and the user’s patience so that they could earn more income for their developers. This is the reason why it is advisable that you get rid of ChromeSearch.Today as soon as you find out that it has been installed on your computer. Also, it must be noted that apart from being highly annoying, some Hijackers might also be regarded as security risks (more on that below) – all the more reason to make sure to eliminate the program ASAP.

Viruses and Browser Hijackers

Before we get any further, we must make something clear: Browser Hijackers such as ChromeSearch.Today, contrary to what many people might think, are not actual computer viruses. They are, for the most part, legitimate and legal programs that aren’t inherently harmful for the computer system that they have been installed on. A typical virus will try to attack and corrupt important OS files, mess with the Registry of the computer, spy on you or carry out some other malicious task. Alternatively, there are also malware forms that can lock the personal data of the user and ask for a ransom payment in exchange for the access to the sealed files – viruses that do this are known as Ransomware. None of the aforementioned traits, however, are typical for the Browser Hijacker category. We already explained in the paragraph above what this type of programs are normally used for.

In most cases, even if you have landed some unpleasant application like ChromeSearch.Today, your machine shouldn’t get damaged by it. Sure, unwanted changes might occur to your browser and Internet settings, but those can be easily rolled back once the unwanted program has been removed. However, one must bear in mind that though Hijackers are not harmful viruses like Trojans or Ransomware, they are not the safest or most desirable form of software either. There are potential security risks that come with those programs and despite their inability to cause direct harm, one should still be careful around them.

Potential dangers and issues

The fact that they are annoying and obstructive is not the only thing that makes Browser Hijacker programs unwanted. As we already said, there are certain potential dangers that might come with them and you should be informed with regards to that. Here is a brief list of the possible issues that a Hijacker program might lead to:

  • Deceitful web ads and offers – as was said above, Hijackers might try to feed your browser with different advertising materials. Most of the time, those should not be dangerous or hazardous for your system’s security. However, there are more than enough instances of users landing some nasty Trojan Horse infection or a Ransomware virus after interacting with a fake web ad or with some shady online offer. Be sure to stay away from anything that might be coming from ChromeSearch.Today in order to stay safe.
  • Unreliable search engines and toolbars – normally, users shouldn’t use the search engine or toolbar that have been added to their browser by the Hijacker. Similarly to the ads that might potentially be displayed by it, the modifications made to the browser should also be avoided. The same also applies to the frontpage in case it has been changed by the unwanted application. In the case of the ChromeSearch.Today, the unpleasant program tends to change the user’s home page and search engine to HTTPS://CHROMESEARCH.TODAY once it gets installed onto your PC – do not visit this page and do not interact with it if it has already been added to your browser.
  • Unwanted telemetry – another issue with Hijackers is that they oftentimes tend to collect personal data through the user’s browser. This is a common practice and a lot of sites and web services do this and in most instances, it is all done or the purposes of targeted advertising where the ads displayed to the user are in line with the personal preferences of the latter. However, considering that Hijackers aren’t the most reliable programs in the first place, it might not be a good idea to allow such a software to collect private browsing information as you never know how it is going to be used.
  • Use of PC resources – obviously, any program that runs on your PC requires some amount of system resources in order to operate. However, since you hardly get anything useful out of a Hijacker, there’s no need to have your computer’s RAM and CPU wasted on such a program. Also, know that sometimes the resources usage might actually affect your machine’s performance if your computer isn’t all that powerful – yet another reason why it is best if you get rid of ChromeSearch.Today.

How to avoid ChromeSearch.Today installation

The developers behind programs like ChromeSearch.Today need their product to get installed onto as many computers as possible so that the profit from the program would be maximized. However, obviously, few users would actually want to install such an software on their systems. Due to this, creators of applications the likes of ChromeSearch.Today tend to implement different techniques which allow for a stealth installation of their product onto the user’s computer. Here are the most common ways for installing a Hijacker:

  • Through spam messages – spam e-mails and social network messages are one very commonly used method for spreading undesirable programs. The unwanted application gets added to an Internet message as a file attachment or a link that downloads the program. Once the user interacts with the message’s contents, the software gets downloaded onto their PC. Make sure to avoid any e-mails or social media messages that contain links or attached files even if they have been sent to you from a person who’s in your contacts list because their device might have been hacked and used to distribute online spam.
  • Via malvertising/fake ads – another popular way to spread Hijackers is by using deceitful web adverts and fake online offers. Such shady advertising materials are especially common for sites with lower reputation. Generally, you should avoid both visiting shady websites that might not be reliable and interacting with Internet adverts and offers unless you are sure that they are safe.
  • Untrusted download sources – not all sites that offer content for download should be trusted. There are many download sources out there that might be dangerous and if you aren’t careful a Hijacker would be the least of your worries. Only use reliable sites for downloading new stuff.
  • Bundles – file bundles are when an application is put inside the installer of another program as an optional install. Sometimes the added application might be an useful utility but oftentimes it could also be some unwanted and unneeded program like a ChromeSearch.Today. Therefore, always be mindful of what you install and never forget to carefully inspect the setup wizards of new programs for any optional installs. If there are added applications and you aren’t sure that they aren’t unwanted, simply uncheck them before proceeding. In this regard, we can also recommend a neat little utility called Unchecky which can help you with avoiding the installation of any added software. You can read more about Unchecky here.
  • Last but not least, ChromeSearch.Today can actually be installed from the Google Web Store. In fact, many users might initially think that it is a legitimate piece of software and therefore willingly install it on their PCs. However, now that you are well aware of the unpleasant effects that this program might have on your computer and browser, you should preferably avoid installing it, should you ever come across this piece of unwanted software.

How To Get Rid of ChromeSearch.Today Virus Instructions

Android user, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

Mac user, please use our Mac Malware Removal guide.

Step 1

  • Start by revealing Hidden Files. Ask for detailed instructions in our comments section if you don’t know how to do this, find hidden files guide here.  (opens in a new tab)
  • To disable all potential threats from manipulating your settings and recovering after being deleted, it is recommended you work under Safe Mode.
    This will leave your system working  on its essential processes.  Click here for Safe Mode guide. (opens in a new tab)

Step 2

Home-Start button -> Control Panel -> Uninstall a program.

Uninstall a program

Look for the Browser Hijacker and uninstall it.

Click on Installed On.

Installed On

Delete anything installed recently that you deem to be suspicious.

In Search type -> msconfig -> press Enter.


Now, Startup -> disable entries listed with Unknown Manufacturer.

Unknown Manufacturer

Step 3

Home-Start button -> Search-> type “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts” -> hit Enter.

Open hostsfile

Anything different from the picture below – you might be in danger!


Contact us for more information!

Step 4

Chrome Icon ChromeSearch.Today “Virus” Removal from Chrome

Chrome Bars -> More Tools -> Extensions.

Chrome Extensions

Look for the Browser Hijacker and remove it.

Firefox Icon ChromeSearch.Today “Virus” Removal from Firefox

Firefox bars-> Add-ons -> Extensions.

Firefox Add-ons

Locate the Browser Hijacker and delete it.

IE Icon ChromeSearch.Today “Virus” Removal from Internet Explorer

IE-GEAR -> Add-ons -> Toolbars and Extensions.

IE Add-Ons

Find the Browser Hijacker and remove it.

Step 5

Start the task manager by right clicking on the taskbar.

Start Task Manager



Review processes -> check for anything suspicious. Right click on each questionable process -> Open File Location -> End the process -> delete the directories where the files have been located.

Step 6

Home-Start button -> Search -> Type subsequently:

  • %AppData%
  • %LocalAppData%
  • %ProgramData%
  • %WinDir%
  • %Temp%

Temp Folder

Press Enter after each search. Review each Folder -> delete recent entries.

Do not hesitate to contact us if need be! We also enjoy being told how awesome we are!



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